


Save the consumers cares for the Nigerian Consumer. We all need consumer education on a variety of subject matters. The more we know about product safety, the better society becomes.

We live in a consumer society. Consumption is an important part of our everyday life and uses up a significant proportion of our money and of our time.

Yet, for some, the term Consumer Education has a negative overtone - encouraging people to consume more. To the contrary, Consumer Education is about promoting an understanding of the structures and systems within the market. Evidence suggests that many adults are not only unaware of how their individual consumer habits can affect the economy, the environment and society, but that many are also inadequately equipped to participate effectively in the market place. Consumer Education provides the insight necessary to develop citizens into responsible and intelligent acting consumers.

Educated consumers make better choices and because of their higher expectations, there is a positive effect on competitiveness as companies improve their products and services
Investing in our Future
Teaching consumer education is investing in our future: it means protecting, giving confidence and enhancing the accountability of tomorrow’s consumers. The numerous consumer education themes can be tackled in almost all traditional teaching subjects and curricula. Consequently, teachers are definitely the most suitable to provide consumer education and to help educate the consumers of tomorrow.

In an increasingly globalised world, awareness regarding your rights as a consumer is crucial to ensure protection, confidence and social responsibility while consuming. Given the fast development of the Internet, social media and online networks, teenagers are the most likely to suffer this lack of awareness.

Consumer Classroom provides a means for teachers to learn about consumer education themselves and to pass this invaluable information onto their students through cross curricular projects. This website will help teachers to give their students everyday examples of how to be a better consumer through interactive and engaging